Thursday, February 8, 2007

Symptoms, the reasons, measures!

- Symptoms
- The possible(probable) reasons
- Necessary measures


- fever, cough, allocation from a nose, the complicated breath, the tousled wool.
- Tuberculosis
- To consult at vet

Absence of appetite:

- without other symptoms
- A monotonous feed (meal)
- To change a diet

- The vomitting, the complicated swallowing, slackness
- Qatar
- To consult with vet

- Vomitting, a diarrhea, long urination;
- Mental frustration (it is frequent because of lack of attention)
- To find out and remove the reason

- Fever, cough, allocation from eyes, enuresis (at firm excrement);
- Pneumonia
- To consult with vet

- High fever, a strong diarrhea (frequently vomitting); the tousled hair, slackness
- Pneumonia
- Immediately to show the doctor

The complicated breath:

- with attacks of an asthma at a short wind and dry cough;
- Asthma
- To consult with vet

- Tachypnoe, high fever, painful cough;
- Pneumonia
- To consult with vet

- Fetid breath at long vomitting and a diarrhea;
- Uraemia
- To consult with vet

- Fever, sneezing, dry cough, allocation from a nose;
- Tuberculosis of a chest cavity
- To consult with vet

- A short wind with spasmes, sialorrhea, tactile sensitivity;
- Poisoning
- To consult with vet

- At changed behaviour: excitation or apathy, aggression - the complicated swallowing, strong sialorrhea
- Furiousness
- Immediately to show the doctor


- Groaning - also with vomitting, slackness, absence of appetite and a fever, tachypnoe, pains;
- Disease of respiratory ways (Qatar)
- To address to the doctor

- Dry, with a fever, secretion from a nose, a short wind, emaciation;
- Tuberculosis
- To address to vet

- With a fever, secretion from a nose, eyes, absence of appetite
- The cat's pneumonia
- To address to vet


- With the complicated swallowing at a fever
- The cat's cold
- To address to vet


- At cough with wetness, a fever; allocation from a nose; emaciation;
- Tuberculosis
- To address to vet


- From a nose at heat, cough, wetness, emaciation;
- Tuberculosis
- To address to vet

- From a nose and eyes with fever, cough, absence of appetite;
- The cat's pneumonia
- To address to vet

- From vaginaat a various body temperature
- Suppuration uterus
- To address to vet


- At heat, the cough, the complicated breath (rattles in easy), secretion from a nose, emaciation;
- Tuberculosis
- To address to vet

- With high fever, a diarrhea (frequently vomitting); the tousled wool, slackness
- The cat's plague
- Immediately to show the doctor

Patients eyes:

- eyelids stuck together, purulent allocation in corners of eyes;
- Conjunctivitis
- To process a solution of a boric acid or eye ointment (borated petrolatum)

- Allocation from eyes and a nose; fever, cough, absence of appetite
- The cat's pneumonia
- To address to vet


- At often urination, slackness, gait stiffs with cold;
- Chronic inflammation of kidneys
- To keep to a diet, give a plentiful drink, broths, milk

- At vomitting, a diarrhea or a lock, the inflated stomach, weakness
- Gastroenteric frustration
- To address to vet


- Without other symptoms (especially the ambassador eating the grasses);
- Engulfmentan extraneous subject, too large piece of meat, as lump of hair; too cold food
- Passes by itself. To give food of room temperature, instead of at once from a refrigerator

- After greedy eating food (it is especial in the company of other cats);
- To feed separately from other cats: 3-5 once a day in the small portions

- With a diarrhea, absence of appetite at unusual enuresis;
- Mental frustration (it is usual because of lack of contacts)
- To find out and remove the reasons, to give more attention

- Chokes at meal with groaning, at absence of appetite, slackness;
- Qatar
- To address to vet

- With a lock or a diarrhea, the spasmes, the inflated stomach; thirst, weakness, emaciation;
- Gastroenteric frustration
- To address to vet

-a diarrhea, at the inflated stomach, a dim wool; sometimes with spasmes;
- Defeat by worms
- To address to vet

- Bloody with a bloody diarrhea;
- Heavy poisoning (rat poison)
- Immediately to address to vet

- Repeated, with a diarrhea, fetid breath, ulcers on mucous a mouth, slackness;
- Uraemia
- To address to vet

- With foam (color: from green up to yellow)
- The cat's plague
- Immediately to address to vet


- Without other special symptoms;
- The frustration of digestion caused by a feed(meal) (because of surplus of milk, a crude liver, a spleen, brains; because of old food)
- To reduce portions. To give black tea (diluted), a cooked liver

- Together with enuresis and changed on conducting; sometimes also vomitting and absence of appetite;
- Mental frustration owing to insufficient attention (or the preference rendered to other domestic animal)
- To find out and remove the reasons

- Constantly aqueous;
- The different reasons
- To consult at vet

- With vomitting, fetid breath, a ulcer on mucous a mouth, slackness;
- Uraemia
- To address to vet

- With vomitting, thirst, painful sensitivity, weakness, emaciation;
- Gastroenteric frustration
- To address to vet

- At a dim wool and the inflated stomach, spasmes are possible(probable);
- Infection with worms (large roundworms)
- To keep a dairy diet, hungry day

- Bloody, mainly with bloody vomitting
- Heavy poisoning (rat poison)
- Immediately to address to vet

- With high fever; the tousled wool, frequently vomitting; absence of appetite, slackness
- The cat's plague
- Immediately to address to vet


- Without other infringements;
- Frustration of digestion because of hit of an extraneous subject, lump of hair; atony intestines
- To give milk, a crude liver, olive oil or sardines in oil; more than crude meat instead of a dry forage

- Alternately with a diarrhea, vomitting; thirst and the spasmes, the inflated stomach, emaciation, weakness;
- Gastroenteric frustration
- To address to vet

- Chronic
- Frustration of digestion owing to lack of movement
- It is more than movement on fresh air


- With vomitting, pains in a throat, slackness, absence of appetite
- Qatar
- To address to vet

Changes of a teeth and gums:

- A weak or dropping out teeth;
- Dental stone
- Remove by vet; to give more firm food for chewing

- Red strips between a teeth and gums
- Inflammation of gums, gingivitis
- To change a diet, to give lean meat; it is less than carbohydrates to raise(increase) the maintenance(contents) of vitamins

Frustration of the urination and changes of the urina:

- amplified(strengthened) with transparent urine at strong thirst; weariness, gait stiffed with cold;
- Greenstone
- To address to vet. A plentiful drink. A diet: it is not enough meat, it is a lot of milk; weak salting of the food

- A delay wet, also blood in urine;
- Stone in a bladder or in a kidney (mainly at a castrated cat)
- To consult with vet

- Brownish wetting and excrement; changes conjunctiva and mucous;
- Disease of a liver
- To address to vet

- A delay wet with frustration of digestion and blood circulation (before it inertness or the raised(increased) excitation, aggression, the anxiety, the complicated swallowing, sialorrhea)
- Furiousness
- Immediately to inform vet

Skin Changes:

- dried up, easily bleeding, with furfur, fragile hair, at emaciation;
- A defective feed(meal)
- To feed it is more to vitaminize food

- Crust and furfur, fine red nodule, starting usualy on a back;
- Eczema (deficiency of vitamins) or mental frustration
- To rub glyceric or olive oil

- An itch, loss of hair, frequently emaciation;
- The mental reasons
- To find out and remove the reasons. It is less to give fat food, it is more lean meat and vitamins

- Swellings;
- Abscess or tumour
- To address to vet

- Yellow or grey round a stain on auricles and paws; a unpleasant smell, sometimes an itch;
- Tetter (favus) - the illness caused by mold fun
- In an initial stage to spread on iodic tincture (let's lick)

- Dark, covered by crust a rash on a head, a neck and breasts;
- Cutting deprive (it is infectious for the person)
- Stick to render iodine (let's lick). Carefully to wash hands, to disinfect a berth of a cat

- Grey, covered by the crust a rash on a head, breasts and forepaws;
- Itch
- To give food, rich fiber

- Scaly or pustular, a rash
- Itch
- To give food, rich fiber. To lead (carry out) disinfection bald patch) all over again on a muzzle, later on all body at a condition of weakness

- Inflamed, becoming wet wounds;
- Fleas
- To apply means from fleas

- The inflamed stings or scratchs with formation(education) of lymph nodes (sometimes with pus);
- Infectious cat's itch (it is infectious for the person)
- To address to vet

- Ulcers on a leather(skin) of a head
- Tuberculosis of a leather(skin)
- To address to vet


- Long scratching or friction
- Fleas or lice
- To destroy parasites

Hear changes:

- fragile hair at a dry leather(skin) and formation(education) of furfur;
- A defective feed(meal)
- To increase quantity(amount) and vitamin value peep

- Dim, ordinary-looking at excess weight;
- Superalimentation
- To reduce quantity(amount) peep

- Albesent or glassy (1-3 mm) formations(educations), and also dark balls;
- Excrement and eggs of fleas
- To apply antyfleas preparations

- Dim at spasmes, a diarrhea or vomitting; the inflated stomach, sometimes cough;
- Infection with worms
- To address to vet

- Tousled at feverish weakness, emaciation;
- Tuberculosis
- To address to vet

- Tousled at a strong fever, slackness, absence of appetite; frequently vomitting
- The cat's plague
- To address to vet


- On mucous a mouth; strong sialorrheaat lateral chewing;
- Stomatitis
- To do vitamin additives to a forage

- Swellings on a skin
- Abscess or tumour
- To address to vet

Changes in gait:

- crooked back part, thirst, often urination, slackness;
- Chronic inflammation of kidneys
- To address to vet. To keep to a diet

- Limping; the cat moves a little
- Crisis
- To address to vet


- With cough, with secretions from a nose and eyes, absence of appetite;
- The cat's pneumonia
- To address to vet

- With a cold complicated with swallowing, later a diarrhea;
- The cat's cold
- To address to vet

- Long at the tousled wool, slackness, absence of appetite, a strong diarrhea; frequently vomitting;
- The cat's plague
- To address to vet

- Long at tachypnoe;
- Pneumonia
- To address to vet

- Long at the tousled wool, a condition of weakness, emaciation, cough and the complicated breath, secretion from a nose
- Tuberculosis
- To address to vet

- With vomitting, a diarrhea or a lock, the thirst, the inflated stomach; emaciation, weakness;
- Gastroenteric frustration
- To address to vet

- At the dim wool, the inflated stomach, also a diarrhea or vomitting, sometimes cough;
- Worms
- To address to vet

- With impellent anxiety and strong drowsiness (also a short wind, sialorrhea, sensitivity touches)
- Poisoning
- Immediately to address to vet


- With a short wind, the infringement of blood circulation complicated with swallowing, sialorrhea(at change of behaviour)
- Furiousness
- Immediately to inform vet, to not touch an animal


- At spasmes and strong anxiety
- Poisoning
- Immediately to address to vet

Condition weakness:

- with a fever, dishevelled hair, emaciation;
- Tuberculosis
- To address to vet

- With a diarrhea or a lock; with bloating; with thirst, emaciation;
- Gastroenteric frustration
-To address to vet

- At inflaming, becoming wet chipped wounds
- Fleas
- To apply means from parasites


- Lateral chewing; ранки in a mouth;
- Stomatitis
- In food to bring vitamin additives

- With conditions of excitation and aggression, impellent anxiety; later paralyses, an asthma, a vascular collapse
- Furiousness
- Immediately to inform vet

Abyssinian Cat

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