Thursday, February 8, 2007

Somali - descendants of the Abyssinian

In 1967 the American selector of Abyssinian breed Mrs. Evelyn Mague worked in a shelter for cats in the neighborhood with the house in New Jersey. Once someone has brought an adult cat that had misfortune for short time to change five owners. Mrs. Evelyn Mague has liked it at first sight. «It is the most beautiful cat whom I only saw! » - She has exclaimed. It was semi-long-haired the Abyssinian cat. She has named it George, castrated and has created all conditions for it. But she could not expel exclusive, in her opinion, but also has decided to find out a history of its origin. Present her surprise when she has understood, that parents of a cat live in her own nursery! Father George was Abyssinian Lynn-Lees Lord Dublin, of her own cultivation. Mother also was the Abyssinian by name Lo-Mi-Rs Trillby which she recently has bought. From this pair she has received others six long-haired kittens. Out of respect for Abyssinian breed she has named its long-haired descendants of Somalia and the beginning to work in a direction of recognition of this breed. In 1972 Mrs. Evelyn Mague has organized the American club of amateurs of Somalia (SCCA) and became its first president. And 1of May 1979 the biggest felynological association of America CFA has officially recognized new breed under the name Somalia (Somali).

Whether might happen, what George, cat Evelyn Mague who has appeared in 50-years from two short-haired the Abyssinian cats, was a first-ever long-haired Abyssinian cat? Certainly, no! The club of Abyssinian cats based in 1929, strictly observed their short-haired standard. However already and those years from time to time in sets of the Abyssinian cats occurred long-haired kittens. But as there were very strict rules of registration of the kittens many factory owners were simply frightened of that in the sets of the Abyssinian cats occurred kittens to which cannot give out family trees. Therefore from a sin far away those kittens which might compromise the titled parents as "foundlings" silently left in twilight about kitchen doors familiar.

Malicious languages meanwhile spoke, that Somalia was result of crossing with Persians and that their family trees are forged. However these statements are improbable. To deny these badly proved accusations, factory owners of Somalia have begun to search for roots of the breed. All researches have resulted to four breeding animal who were manufacturers of many descendants in 60th years XX in. Their common ancestor belonging lady Barnard was Raby Chuffa. It was born in England 4 April 1952 and was brought in America per 1953. According to the American rules it has received as a prefix a name of nursery of the new owners "Selene".

In turn, roots of genealogic tree Raby Chuffa of Selene result us to Roverdale Purrkins which phenotypic was very similar to the Abyssinian cats, but had an unknown origin. During the Second World War it was presented Mrs. Robertson by her friend. Mother Roverdale Purrkins was Mrs. Mew and who was father Roverdale Purrkins, Mrs. Robertson did not know. Mrs. Mew has died in 1944 and about her we know only that the cat was presented to her friend by the seaman in 1942. Whence it was brought in England? Where its native land? Far far away… It is quite possible, what the gene of a long hair in Abyssinian breed has introduced Roverdale Purrkins which has died in 1956, - and then registered kittens of the Somalia should have all well-known Roverdale Purrkins in the ancestors?! But long-haired kittens were observed at Abyssinian cats from the very first steps of becoming of this breed, and in this difficult situations in which there were factory owners after the Second World War, were carried out compelled outcrosses with not Abyssinian breed. It was the necessary measure for preservation of a viable population of Abyssinian breed and for prevention inevitable in small populations of the inbred depressions. For this reason, obviously, also was included in the British programs of cultivation Roverdale Purrkins.

Known talented American geneticist Don Shaw concerning a genetic nature of hair the Abyssinian cats and Somalia cats once again has own judgment. In 1974 it has written, that Somalia cats is not the carrier recessive genes of a long hair in the homozygous form. But, nevertheless, at Somalia cats has semi-long hair. How it is possible? The Abyssinian cats is known for "almost double" hair. In a complex - combined hereditary factors in a homozygous situation give this structure of a hair and even may result in increase of length, as barb, and an underfur. In unusual cases it may result in occurrence semi-long soft silky hair with the fox tail. This type of a hair will be transferred regularly and steadily? «Yes, - answers Don Shaw, - at correct selection of partners ". This implies that Somalia never can show all extravagance to the Persian hair. But unless someone dreams of it?

The Somali cats are larger, than short-haired Abyssinian cats. A body of Somalia of average length, thick, a head of average length, the triangular form with the direct lines well advanced mandible and a chin. Ears big, with bristle, rather long finitenesses and a long tail. Color of eyes from green up to amber. A typical attribute of the given breed - ticker zonary color a hair. The hair of average length, soft to the touch and rich, on shoulders is a little bit shorter. On a neck a collar, on back finitenesses - characteristic «tights ".

Abyssinian Cat

The description of a breed

Abyssinians - medium-sized, but incredibly graceful and graceful breed. An elegant structure of a body, a dense short wool, slightly slanting eyes, large as at serval cat, ears, reddish colouring - all this reminds images of an ancient dun cat on bas-reliefs of ancient Egypt.

Hair - short, thin, well adjoining to a skin. Color various, but meets red - brown with black or dark brown tips, dark red, blue, beige-yellow more often. It is preferable, that separate hairs were two or even three-coloured. A underfur of golden-apricot tones (at silver color - white). Precise strips, rings and white marks on the case are not supposed (except for a chin).

Head - small, wedge-shaped forms, with a strong chin. A nose of a straight line, average length. Transition from a forehead to a nose is designated (without "stop").

Ears - rather large, vertically put, with the wide basis and the rounded ends. Sometimes on the ends of ears there are "brushes". Eyebrowes dark.

Eyes - big, expressive, almond-shaped, usually green, yellow or colors of a wood nut. Selectors assert, that the shade of eyes at these animals varies on a physical and nervous condition.

Body - strong, brawny, flexible, picked up.

Neck - rather long, graceful, elegantly bent.

Back - powerful, advanced, a breast wide and deep enough.

Legs - sinewy, strong, average or long.

Paws - small, oval. The animal stands as though "on tiptoe".

Tail - rather long, narrowed from the basis by the end.

Lacks - a white medallion, the white breast, closed "necklace" on a neck, grey or clarified, " not gold " a underfur, striped finitenesses and - or a tail, uncertain color of eyes or shadowy rings, presence spoted nontickered areas (the bottom part of a body, an internal part of legs)

One more legend which reliability can be confirmed or denied only realization of serious work with family trees, which enormous collection (more than 35 thousand family trees), collected by the French factory owner Jacques Le Renard is connected to Abyssinian breed, the Internet in " the Electronic Register of the Somali breed " (about Somalis hardly is kept in a network below).

According to this legend, use in becoming breed of the British short-haired animals has resulted to that the type of animals began to grow heavy, and the temperament began more phlegmatic. And to return ease and cheerfulness to breed, to it(her) began to flow Siamese-oriental blood.

In result there was a situation, when de-facto there are two lines (or even two standards) breeds: European and American.

Animals American origin are more "over-oriental" - that is have easier skeleton, larger, but are lower and ears, appreciablly weaker chin are wider put. But animals European origin have kept smoothness of lines and proportions the most similar to the Egyptian figurines. And, certainly, remarkable feature of these lines is the "smile" kept from the British ancestors.

Gold anniversary

One of the first factory owners - enthusiasts of Abyssinian cats at the end of the nineteenth century was Sam Woodiweiss. He was an owner Sedgemore Peaty and Sedgemore Bottle which inspiredly and loving are described by their hot admirer Mr. Brooke in the short booklet "Abyssinian cats". Sedgemore Peaty it was presented Mr. Brooke and remained with him to the death. Work Sam Woodiweiss with Abyssinian cats was continued by his son in nursery "Woodrooffe". Soon they exported many Abyssinian cats to United States where breed was lifted on a unprecedented level.

In the beginning of the twentieth century on one of exhibitions of known club NCC in London (National Cat Club), spent for not less known Crystal Palace, it was submitted 11 Abyssinian cats. "Record quantity!", - the commentator has told. And in 1970 at an exhibition spent same (National Cat Club) in the Olympic Hall was отсужено only 30 Abyssinian cats. As we may notice, for 70 years the quantity of these cats at exhibitions cardinally has not increased. Why so has taken place?

In 1929 Major the Woodiweiss-son has based "Abyssinian Cat Club" which first president became Mrs. Stables. In the book "Cats, points and classification", her husband, Mr. W. Gordon Stables, has devoted to Abyssinian cats extensive and settling article.

But ten years later when in work of Abyssinian nurseries serious successes were achieved, the Second World War began. It has put a hard blow on cultivation of cats in general and Abyssinian cats in particular. Actually only spouse Basnett after war could continue breeding work. On one of the first post-war exhibitions their daughter has shown some the staying abyssinians. With the help of the American selectors these troubles were, quickly enough, are eliminated and bloom of Abyssinian breed began. The big merit in it Sidney and Helen Denham, owners of nursery "Frensham". It were influential people of time. Together they have written the information booklet devoted to Abyssinian breed. It referred to as "the Child of gods" and was issued in 1951. In the beginning of 1980 it was republished in USA.

In 1979 the English club of amateurs of Abyssinian cats it is rightfully proud has celebrated the Gold Anniversary. In this case the exhibition devoted to Abyssinian breed was organized. In the list for refereeing it was brought 89 animals.

Names of two cats, it is necessary to name, though it and will be unfair in relation to other magnificent representatives of this breed. First, it is world famous English breeding cat Taishun Leo, the factory owner madam Menezes and, second, his continental descendant Assunta von Ras-Daschan which has died in 1970. Both cats being perfection in the type, occur almost in all European family trees.

How correctly to choose the kitten

The person, decided to get a thoroughbred cat and not having before similar experience, it appears before a complicated problem: how correctly to find and choose such kitten as thoroughbred animals stand dearly? Now in the Internet and newspapers it is possible to meet many announcements of sale Abyssinian kittens. How to define, where it is necessary to address in search of such cat and where is not present? For acceptance of the correct decision to cost to take into account some recommendations.

Place - pet-shop or nursery.

In order to prevent unpleasant disappointments, as Abyssinian cat, it is necessary to get a kitten of such rare breed only from the registered nurseries with good reputation. In pet-shop the price, as a rule, appreciably is higher, than in nursery, but the kitten passes quality surveillance at experts of shop, at purchase in nursery, the buyer should trust in examination of the factory owner.

The optimum age of a kitten - also is more senior than 3 months.

It is possible to take away the Abyssinian kittens in the new house in the age of not younger 12 weeks (3 months), to this age, the kitten is advanced so, that already may do without scold also colleagues. By three months the kitten, as a rule, passes full vaccination and may be confidently handed to hands to new owners.

Obligatory documents - vet-passport and a family tree (or a card of a kitten)

In vet-passport kittens should stand marks about 2 made inoculations from infectious diseases (more often, them marks 9 and 11 weeks). The family tree given by club, is the certificate of the kittens origin, all ancestors of a kitten are specified in it from parents up to great-grandfathers with the indication of their titles. It is desirable, that in a family tree was no more than 4 inbreed unions (i.e. unions between direct relatives: the father - daughter, the mother - son). If the animal is not intended for cultivation, in a family tree it is underlined.

Under the arrangement instead of a family tree the card of a kitten on which further it is possible to write out a family tree in the club which has registered вязку may be handed the buyer.

Appearance and behaviour of a kitten

The Abyssinian kitten by three months passes an initial moult, and from under cat's gun on a hair occurs characteristic for aby ticking and silky shine, basically is formed the future color. Final formation of the color at aby is finished by 1,5-2 years. Eyes of the kittens at this age, as a rule, uncertain brown color, their color will be generated only to age of 10-12 months. To present, what may bring up your kitten, look at cat - mum and cat - daddy. The healthy kitten should be not thin, and not thick. Eyes, ears, butt should be pure. The behavior of the kitten should be active, playful, easygoing. The Abyssinian kittens are not aggressive, are not afraid of people and with pleasure play with them. From such kitten grows present Abyssinian cat .

Quality of the ex-terrier

Quality of the ex-terrier is correct the skilled factory owner or the expert may estimate only, for the amateur it is important to know, that is considered lack of the ex-terrier at Abyssinian cat: White a stain, a white medallion, too much white on the breasts, the closed necklaces on a neck, grey or too light underfur, is not enough ticking, moire strips. Figures / strips on a muzzle or finitenesses. At dark colors - absence dark tip of a tail, dark "soles" on back finitenesses, dark inking century. In more detail - in the standard of breed.



Care of a hair of the Abyssinian cats demands the minimal efforts. There is quite enough periodically, not more often than once a week, to comb out a hair with the help of a metal hairbrush with frequent cogs.


Many Abyssinian cats love water, therefore to wash them not difficultly. Before a bath it is desirable to cut to a cat claws.

To wash a cat, holding it for paws, follows warm water, in a basin or a bowl, instead of under the shower, some times changing water. The ambassador soaping special cat's shampoo (without the conditioner) carefully it is necessary to wash off foam, having rinsed a cat not less than three times in pure water.

Washing can be recommended as a way accelerated removal to an old wool during a moult.


All cats like to grind claws. To avoid problems with damage of furniture, it is desirable to get in pet-shop special "claw-removal". Besides time in two weeks cautiously can be cut off sharp claws tips a special secateurs.


The Abyssinian cats are easily accustomed to using the cat's toilet. They are very clean and requiring to maintenance of the order in their toilet.

The history of the Abyssinian breed

African from British isles

In 80th years of the last century at the first cat's exhibitions in the Great Britain the cats named "Abyssinian" have appeared. They not amazed with the large sizes, length of a silky wool or blue eyes, - and, nevertheless, might not remain unnoticed. Unusual was the color, without any habitual strips or the divorces, similar on color the wild rabbit (by the way, Abyssinian breed those years at times and named - "rabbit"). But, let color of the Abyssinian cat also reminded the rabbit or a hare, the general shape of new breed comprised everything, that puts the person in concept "cat", and a cat wild, natural in the grace. Having a surprising harmonicity of shape, the Abyssinian cat embody " gold section " in an alive cat's appearance.

Despite of a "wild", natural kind Abyssinian cat, it without exaggeration can be named the first cultural breed of cats of Europe. That is deduced by the person with use of purposeful pairings animals and artificial selection refers to as as cultural breed. Breeds native develop basically under action of selection natural. It would seem, the history of Abyssinian cats is not bad known - in comparison with the majority of other ancient breeds (behind exception unless Siamese). The ancestor of all Abyssinian cats considers the "rabbit" cat on nickname Zula, it come from Northern Africa (presumably - from Ethiopia at that time named by Abyssinia). This cat was brought in the Great Britain owners - Englishmen in 1868, upon termination of English-Abyssinian war. In sixteen years the first cats similar color - it is probable, descendants of Zula and of native English cats have appeared at exhibitions, and in 1896 and Abyssinian cats for the first time were registered in the breeding book of National cat's club (National Cat Club).

It is considered, that specificity Abyssinian, or tickired color it is defined superprepotent allele of the gene Tabby. Alleles same gene Т and t b are responsible for occurrence striped marble figures on cat's hair. And " abyssinian tabby's allele", that, should provide absence of any figure - strips, divorces or spots. Absence of figure at Abyssinian cats is accompanied ticking, that is zoned by colouring of hair. If to look narrowly at a wool of these cats, appreciablly, that everyone hairspring is painted by alternating strips - light (yellow or ochre) and dark (black or brown). There is it because, that at development of hair in it that is alternately postponed black (or brown), a yellow pigment. In itself zone distribution of a pigment on hair is supervised prepotent allele a gene agouti, equally necessary and for formation ticker color, and for development of figure. Some felinologist approve, that at crossings abyssinians with usual tabby - striped or marble - allele That behaves as semi-prepotent: at descendants of similar pair strips on legs and a tail, but not on the case are well defined. At times observe intermediate inheritance: whether residual figure, whether superfluous ticking...

Strangeness of an origin of breed that in Northern Africa in populations of domestic cats this most "Abyssinian" color does not meet. Distribution allele "Abyssinian" tebby, investigated in second half of our century, has shown, that tickered cats meet in populations of Singapore more often. Therefrom the area of distribution of it color a narrow corridor leaves to the west, coming to an end approximately in area of Teheran, and in any way does not grasp Africa. The similar picture has forced felinologists to put forward three hypotheses explaining an origin of Abyssinian breed.

First of them consists that breed is deduced by the English factory owners on the basis of native cats. However allele that is not more characteristic at all for England, than for Africa, certainly, it is impossible to exclude and such opportunity, as a spontaneous mutation in locus Т, resulted to independent occurrence "Abyssinian tabby allele". But the shape and a structure of Abyssinian cats are not similar to a domestic cat of Europe - then "short-haired breed", at them there are obviously "foreign" fig. Means, any imported cats in creation of breed were used. It is authentically known, that in a history Abyssinian cats. there were separate cases of crossings with east cats and other "foreigners" (for example, breed оцикет has arisen due to сиамско-Abyssinian crossing), but they had sporadic character and have hardly defined(determined) shape of breed in 1880 - 1900th years.

Other version is, that the ancestor of breed having notorious тикированный окрас, was taken out not from Africa, and, for example, from Southeast Asia or Afghanistan. In second half of last century of colonial wars England conducted much, retired militarians came back from every corner of the world. In this case it turns out, that breed has received the name simply by mistake.

At last, the third and most curious version is, that Zula was not domestic, but the tamed wild cat. It is the most probable, that it concerned to steppe cats - to that kind Felis libyca, one of which subspecies was an ancestor domestic cats. However the basic color this kind - spotty. It is known, the truth, some color variations with warm ochre shades color, feebly marked spots and advanced ticking.

Some of felinologists the spotty steppe cat as the candidate for a role of an ancestor of Abyssinian breed does not arrange some, and they are asked a question: and whether is not present in Northern Africa of other kinds of the wild cats similar to Abyssinian breed tickerred color? It appears, is, and at all one. One of such kinds - a cane cat, or chaus. For the benefit of this hypothesis speaks that chauses are rather easily tamed - in comparison with other kinds of wild cats. On appearance (the lengthened head, a short tail) they remind mini-dig, than a cat faster. Quite often color cane cats has bright reddish tone, and at first sight it seems to relatives to Abyssinian. But... chauses kittens are spotty, quite often this "shadow" figure can be noticed and at adult animals. In deserted areas of Africa the cat, Felis margarita is distributed sand cat, in color which are combined ticking and fine a stain. It is known, that cane and sand cats may be crossed to domestic cats and give prolific hybrid posterity.

It is most similar on Abyssinian ticking warm and bright color seldom meeting gold cat (Felis aurata) - a kind, characteristic faster for Central, than for Northern Africa. The truth, from the evolutionary point of view this kind is farthest from a domestic cat. It is possible, that from similar pairs and it would be possible to receive prolific posterity, even female (as it was in case of crossing a domestic cat with bengalese - Prionailurus bengalensis, at deducing new breed) but to be charged for it hardly who will undertake.

In duplication of Abyssinian cats really there are some features at first sight similar to consequences of hybridization. Set of the Abyssinian cats a little bit smaller, than at other breeds of domestic cats. There is also a deviation from a normal parity of floors in the posterity, however a prevailing floor are males, instead of female as it should be expected, - on one Abyssinian cat it is necessary 2-3 cats.

The final answer to questions on an origin Abyssinian cats might put unless the olecular-genetic analysis, but such researches uncheap and to be spent for the decision of only academic problems breedforming hardly who from factory owners will want. Fans of the Abyssinian cats arranges such what it is - irrespective of its origin.

And nevertheless, despite of charm of breed and its old origin, numerous it never was. And it is not clear, whether low fruitfulness and a deviation from a normal parity of floors the reason or consequence of this small number were already mentioned. The initial population of breed, which basic attributes go back to the unique ancestor, is doubtless, was small and almost for certain - inbred.

For past hundred years breed has a little changed the shape: began a little bit more finely and more easy on addition, having kept, however, the basic proportions. New color variations have increased, and initial began appreciablly "more warmly". Wild color (the English factory owners nowadays call its "reddish", and the French - "lion's") it is formed on the basis of black and yellow pigments, and with development of breed the share of a yellow pigment all time grew. One of the first registered Abyssinian cats carried names Aluminum and Salt (Salt). Hardly today to somebody will come in a head to name the red-brown "wild" abyssinian Aluminium!

"Card" of breed became appeared be relative late (in the beginning 1960) color sorrelle (bay), incorrectly named "red" or "red". These cats are really similar to a kind on red (red), but genetically they general with a gene red color 0 (Orange) have no anything. The color effect color sorrelle is caused by alternation of yellow and light brown strips on hair, and brown color is formed due to strong oxidation of a black pigment (melanin). Such oxidation recessive allele bl gene Black is supervised. Similar, that this allele has arisen as a result of the mutation which have occurred in the most Abyssinian breed. The truth, it meets also in oriental to breed, forming colors cinnamon and the faun (beige), but it is probable, that to orientals (the same as and to affiliated breed ociket) has got already from Abyssinian cats. And characteristic for east cats allele b the same gene Black, the forming dark brown pigment, in Abyssinian breed does not meet.

Concerning an origin such Abyssinian colors as the faun and blue, at felinologists is not present a common opinion. Allele d, certainly, might to appear in breed spontaneously, as a result of a spontaneous mutation, but all the same it is more probable, that was introduced in it in result crossbreeding, probably, even at early stages of development of breed. If in the relation allele clarification of doubt are possible, it is doubtless, that red color and silvery color variations have arisen due to artificial caring in breed of the appropriate genes. Despite of the growing list new colors, the greatest popularity continue to use warm, "solar" Abyssinian cats. Iridescent, nacreous "cold" colors meanwhile remain property of the most experienced experts.

Abyssinian cats have appeared in Russia about ten years back, but the present interest to breed has arisen only last 2-3 years. Probably, the reason of insufficient attention of public to breed was "cold" - blue and beige - color the first animals who have got to Russia, and it is possible - simply too small number of representatives of breed which were difficult for seeing at exhibitions. Recently import of Abyssinian cats gradually begins to quicken, demand for them grows. Due to that the future manufacturers act from different nurseries to hope to avoid inbred depression at the following stages of cultivation.

And nevertheless Abyssinian cats in the country while very much and it is not enough. Probably, some are confused with external impression: it seems, that at such wild cats and customs should be appropriate. At all is not present: character at Abyssinian cats fine, same cheerful, as well as it color, a a voice gentle and melodious. The only thing "but" - Abyssinian cats it is rather mobile and does not like to be closed in close premises, especially - in open-air cages or cages. It does not mean, that it is necessary for it to have paddock on a pair of hectares - a usual apartment which the cat masters in three measurements, supplied are artificial "tree" or other cat's simulator, it is quite enough to have an opportunity daily to admire this natural essence in the grace which as if shines environmental space.

Tomcat or pussy cat?

You have decided to get the small friend - moustached and having a tail. Everyone know, that kittens, these small, cheerful, fluffy small balls , are lovely always and under any circumstances. Much excuse to them, as well as to all children. But children eventually grow, and turn to a certain mature and independent essence with which you should live long years.

To whom the kitten turns? What it for creation with which you are ready to divide the domestic cosiness? Whether you can get on with it(him)? To find common language?..

In other words, the question stands an edge: whom to choose, tomcat or pussy cat?


It, certainly, the Abyssinian cat, and the Abyssinian cat rather independent. He willingly accepts yours gifts, favourably allows to stoke him, to play with him, to clean for him, in general, he loves you. In own way.

All your apartment is jungle, prairie, cane thrickets, at last. But not modest dwelling in city centre. Overlook about it! He will be hidden, suddenly to attack because of a corner, to jump out of the most unexpected places, and simply to bury under lots of linen. Curiosity of a Abyssinian cat does not have a limit. He needs to know everything, that occurs in his territory to participate in all events. Any new subject of conditions, the household device or even simply empty plastic package demands immediate research. Packages, boxes and open capacities of the sufficient size grow roots him from within. If you have forgotten on a floor or on a bed a scarf or have simply spread a new carpet, a cat not a cat if not will creep under such tempting subject few times. Whether you have conceived repair or washing - he always beside, everywhere looks and everywhere vanities the muzzle.

Your favourite is declined to domination. He either the leader, or he is ordinary member - the third it is not given. If you do not wish to be his feeding and cleaning appendage and to suffer from all his trick, made completely unpunishedly, you, in most cases, should find out your relations once and for ever. Not it is pleasant to all, when the small prankish tries to swing rights, is impudent escape from fair punishment.

If you get a the Abyssinian cat, hoping always to have near by tender the pretty girl you rather are mistaken - it, most likely, will be never. Abyssinian cats at heart big individualists, they are completely independent and do not hurry up to climb to you on knees. But, he has come, has fallen heavily to you on hands - a smooth surface! There passes minute, and he is pulled out at you from hands, not paying on protests of any attention. On the cat's needs and urgent matters. Yes, still rub hisself about your leg, when you on kitchen. It he so hints:, a pier with what I good and tender, feed me! Do not trust him - he uses you!:)))

Activity of Abyssinian cat constantly reminds you, that you deal with a cat, and at times rather aggressive behaviour does not give to forget him, that the cat is all the same an animal, and an animal rather wild.

What it is possible to add? As anyone mankind of the predators, tomcat has stronger smell, than a pussy cat. Many result it as one of arguments against geting a cat. It is the truth, cats are less tidy, than pussycats. However, at a correct caring of a cat, namely, regular cleaning of his toilet, his periodic bathing, it is imperceptible.

Well, and the most unpleasant, that is connected to Abyssinian tomcats is that almost anyone sexually mature cat marks territory on which he lives. Sooner or later it is necessary to struggle with it. Whether psychological influence on him, or with the help of surgical intervention - to decide to you. But do not overlook, that any medicinal and surgical methods of influence are irreversible also be agree with your favourite

Pussy cat

The essence is usually much more tender, than a cat. She does not establish the orders in the house - the Abyssinian pussy cat is rubred to you in trust, takes root into your life, thus forcing you to change it. To the owner she shows the attachment much more obvious and touching way, than a cat who not so openly expresses the emotions.

Pussy cat - awfully tidy . She can lick herself by hours, yet will not finish the fur up to an ideal condition. However, in five - ten minutes the hairdress is forced down, or on a wool sits invisible mote and process repeats.

Abyssinian pussy cat very much likes to lay at you in a lap. She can start to purr, be rubed about you to lick to you the person at any moment of day and night. While you will not torture her reciprocal attention or simply do not banish in the most rough image, this annoying зверек from you will keep abreast.

The nature of the cat is those, that she constantly, frankly and easy aspires to win your attention, and the approach at her completely different for men and women. If the woman - mistress knows the favourite as completely lovely, kind and tender essence to her it is at times strange and even it is unpleasant to observe, how its miracle "tempts" men unambiguous bodily movement. She lifts tail, rub herself about a leg the sides and a muzzle, substitutes belly in general, all observed such picture and have for certain sized up it own opinion. It is difficult to tell, that forces a cat to behave so in relation to men - most likely, it something instinctive with what the cat is unable to struggle.

When speech comes about an instinct of continuation of a sort, your lovely creation becomes simply impossible. It is one of the strongest instincts at cat's and if tomcat it is possible to scare away domination and, thus, naturally to suppress his sexuality at cats it does not pass. Each pussy cat instinctively aspires to become mother and to continue a generation . In what it is expressed? Yes in cries! If your Abyssinian pussy cat has no an opportunity to escape on street " on the needs " you few times should suffer its(her) heart-breaking moamings per one year.

There are two alternatives: to sterilize a cat or to allow her to become mum. Yes, cats bring kittens. And you did not know? Ah, you were not going to plant them - then try to struggle with instincts. Only, for God's sake, do not use in struggle against a nature of hormonal means is still never to goods resulted. It is not necessary to cripple for the sake of the momentary convenience an essence, which to you so devoted!

The summary.

And you for that waited? What this article will tell to you who is better? Yes as it is possible to tell, who is better, the Abyssinian tomcat or a pussy cat? You should choose to yourselves the fluffy friend so that subsequently neither you, nor he or she have not regretted about your choice. The domestic animal is the big responsibility, the responsibility first of all for life and health of that essence to which should not choose to itself the owner. As to choose to you also the responsibility for the new friends to carry too to you. For your love and care they will present you many the pleasant moments in life.

Tomcat or pussy cat? Depends on you.

Strange story of the Abyssinian cat Smokey P.Maguires!

In Southern Weymouth, Massachusetts, in the house of Mr. and Mrs. William Maguire has arrived from Abyssinia a cat who looked as Abyssinian. Hes color - wild, he has good ticking, he has not marks on legs and a tail, but white spots are not presented at him even on a chin (he was a dream of any breeder )!

On words mr. Maguire - Smokey P. was born in day of gratitude in 1957 in Addis Ababa, in Ethiopia. He has subdued their hearts and became the full member of the family. Even acted in local theatre and in the poster wrote his name as Smokey P. Maguire. His mother was a local domestic Abyssinian cat, his father - a half-civilized

Abyssinian cat who looked as well as Smokey. When time has come to come back in USA - anybody and has not thought to throw Smokey but to receive for him the exit visa and the passport appeared as a problem!

Cat? And what, rhere is no cats in America? Anybody in one service did not know what to do - anybody did not take out domestic cat from the country earlier. A lion - please, but a cat! The persistence has yielded the fruits - the family has declared, that without a cat they will not go anywhere - and they have given out the official document which said: " the Sanction to export of a skin with an alive animal in it! "

Eventually Maguires could go home. Travel was difficult, with set of changes. The first stop in Cairo (Egypt). Egyptians and to this day adore cats so Smokey hearty welcome expected rather. The best hotel was not good enough for him! The manager has insisted to personally to feed a cat with the best beef and, having noticed, that to a cat should be very hardly transfer awful Cairo heat, has given in their order the unique conditioned number of hotel. (between flights they have lead other intervals in stuffy halls of the airports).

And further to a cat was not lucky - the comedy of mistakes began. He might not fly by the same plane with family, and was sent to Amsterdam (Holland). When Maguires arrived there - the cat was not. Three days of mad bells and telegrams on all Europe gave at last result: he have been found in a shelter for animals of the New York airport.

The family has taken off the first possible flight for New York where for them waited beloved Smokey, still in small carrying bag. Anybody from workers of a shelter has not ventured to replace him in the big cage or an open-air cage - they have decided, that it is a wild cat!

Fortunately for a cat and Maguires all was finished safely. After that travels Smokey left a house only sometimes, and it is not far - in holiday.

Abyssinian Cat

Children of the Sun

If conversation comes about Abyssinian Cat very much frequently the Sun intuitively is recollected. Gods of the sun from legends and myths of Ancient Egypt;

Sunlight in which beams these cats so like to be heated; ardour of the sun which has as though incorporated their hair... The impression is created, that the sun has put the solar signature and on their appearance, and on their character. You may imagine to yourselves breed more cheerful and cheerful, than Abyssinian Cat?

Small kittens are very similar to clowns in a circus, as peas scatter all over the house. Enthusiastic and inspired jump on a curtain, full customs inspection of your bag, in a flash the thorough disorder on your worker a table... And after all it with innocent muzzles they look at you so submitting, that you with easy heart accept the dreadful disorder as norm.

Adult animals, however, force people to look at them yours faithfully. Though they are holding persons, they are not haughty cats. They are cheerful and playful, but, at the same time, are silent and not importunate. At them soft voices. One of their main features - their affable grace. All cats intellectuals, but Abyssinian Cats will give odds to many colleagues. They win on all parameters! Their intelligence sometimes simply frightens! However on their improbable sensitivity and the reflected sympathy much more amazes. True friends, they are also good partners on life. That circumstance that is usual they cats for gentlemen " are considered as ", speaks more about social division of floors in a society, than directly about Abyssinian cats. Abyssinian Cats love freedom, as any other breed. And, in addition to everything, they simply may not exist without daily human dialogue.

However when them allow to live full members of family, demonstration of their love does not know borders. Then they gently purr (and their purring is more appreciable because of fluctuations of air, than a sound). Then they both kiss, and iron you a forward paw, and embrace for a neck, and touchingly look to you in eyes. Then they tickle you the whiskers and is gentle rub oneself about your ear. Then these children of the Sun as though speak you: " love me and be happy! "

The extraordinary status of a cat in olden time

Ancient Egyptians during pharaons and pyramids worshipped the god of sun Rа. He was the most dear among all gods, - father of the pharaon, the founder of all alive, the defence counsel of a crop. One of daughters Ra was called Bastet, sometimes it was possible to see in quality her hair driers or sisters Ra. This goddess was represented as a cat, outlines very similar with modern Abyssinian Cat.

Egyptians named a cat "mew", that means "to see". They fatally were afraid of darkness and as the cat may see in darkness to her magic opportunities were attributed. Inhabitants of Egypt compared narrowing and expansion of pupils of a cat to approach of darkness in the evening and sunrise in the morning. For them it was the proof of consanguinty of a cat with the Moon and the Sun and served as the weighty reason to esteem these animals and to have at itself. Such cult was extremely important for the country, living agriculture and having the big grain storehouses. But this ground also abounded rats and mice, therefore it was paradise and for the cat - hunter, and people surrounded its aura of sanctity which accompanied with many years and kept cats of Egypt.

As is known, Bastet - one of the most esteemed goddesses of ancient Egypt. In city of Bubastis, to the east from delta of Nile the huge temple in her honour as a huge square building from a red granite was constructed. She - " Madam of heavens ", " the Goddess of love " and young men asked the goddess to help them to subdue hearts beloved. The more the girl reminded a cat, she was more attractive to the young man. This similarity to a Abyssinian cat made the girl so attractively, that she could be compared to empress Kleopatra sovereign Juliy Caesar and Mark Antonij. Besides Bastet protected family and the house. On her very big responsibility for destinies of Egyptians laid.

It is sure, you will be not not surprised any more with that fact, that punishment for murder of a cat irrespective of, going it was or accomplished on imprudence, was a death penalty. When the cat perished, to it arranged grandiose and extremely expensive funeral, its remains embalmed and mummified. In middle of XIX century in Beni - хассане at coast of Nile the whole cemetery of mummies of cats was found. Them was more than 300 thousand.

With last pharaon the religion which in a basis of the had worship the god of sun Rа has stopped the existence. The cult of a cat proceeding during 2 millenia, has come by the end. Egypt has got under influence of an islam and such reverence of cats or any other animal in one country of the Mediterranean any more was not. Though it is known, that the cat was beloved animal of prophet Mohammeda.

Abyssinian Cat

Symptoms, the reasons, measures!

- Symptoms
- The possible(probable) reasons
- Necessary measures


- fever, cough, allocation from a nose, the complicated breath, the tousled wool.
- Tuberculosis
- To consult at vet

Absence of appetite:

- without other symptoms
- A monotonous feed (meal)
- To change a diet

- The vomitting, the complicated swallowing, slackness
- Qatar
- To consult with vet

- Vomitting, a diarrhea, long urination;
- Mental frustration (it is frequent because of lack of attention)
- To find out and remove the reason

- Fever, cough, allocation from eyes, enuresis (at firm excrement);
- Pneumonia
- To consult with vet

- High fever, a strong diarrhea (frequently vomitting); the tousled hair, slackness
- Pneumonia
- Immediately to show the doctor

The complicated breath:

- with attacks of an asthma at a short wind and dry cough;
- Asthma
- To consult with vet

- Tachypnoe, high fever, painful cough;
- Pneumonia
- To consult with vet

- Fetid breath at long vomitting and a diarrhea;
- Uraemia
- To consult with vet

- Fever, sneezing, dry cough, allocation from a nose;
- Tuberculosis of a chest cavity
- To consult with vet

- A short wind with spasmes, sialorrhea, tactile sensitivity;
- Poisoning
- To consult with vet

- At changed behaviour: excitation or apathy, aggression - the complicated swallowing, strong sialorrhea
- Furiousness
- Immediately to show the doctor


- Groaning - also with vomitting, slackness, absence of appetite and a fever, tachypnoe, pains;
- Disease of respiratory ways (Qatar)
- To address to the doctor

- Dry, with a fever, secretion from a nose, a short wind, emaciation;
- Tuberculosis
- To address to vet

- With a fever, secretion from a nose, eyes, absence of appetite
- The cat's pneumonia
- To address to vet


- With the complicated swallowing at a fever
- The cat's cold
- To address to vet


- At cough with wetness, a fever; allocation from a nose; emaciation;
- Tuberculosis
- To address to vet


- From a nose at heat, cough, wetness, emaciation;
- Tuberculosis
- To address to vet

- From a nose and eyes with fever, cough, absence of appetite;
- The cat's pneumonia
- To address to vet

- From vaginaat a various body temperature
- Suppuration uterus
- To address to vet


- At heat, the cough, the complicated breath (rattles in easy), secretion from a nose, emaciation;
- Tuberculosis
- To address to vet

- With high fever, a diarrhea (frequently vomitting); the tousled wool, slackness
- The cat's plague
- Immediately to show the doctor

Patients eyes:

- eyelids stuck together, purulent allocation in corners of eyes;
- Conjunctivitis
- To process a solution of a boric acid or eye ointment (borated petrolatum)

- Allocation from eyes and a nose; fever, cough, absence of appetite
- The cat's pneumonia
- To address to vet


- At often urination, slackness, gait stiffs with cold;
- Chronic inflammation of kidneys
- To keep to a diet, give a plentiful drink, broths, milk

- At vomitting, a diarrhea or a lock, the inflated stomach, weakness
- Gastroenteric frustration
- To address to vet


- Without other symptoms (especially the ambassador eating the grasses);
- Engulfmentan extraneous subject, too large piece of meat, as lump of hair; too cold food
- Passes by itself. To give food of room temperature, instead of at once from a refrigerator

- After greedy eating food (it is especial in the company of other cats);
- To feed separately from other cats: 3-5 once a day in the small portions

- With a diarrhea, absence of appetite at unusual enuresis;
- Mental frustration (it is usual because of lack of contacts)
- To find out and remove the reasons, to give more attention

- Chokes at meal with groaning, at absence of appetite, slackness;
- Qatar
- To address to vet

- With a lock or a diarrhea, the spasmes, the inflated stomach; thirst, weakness, emaciation;
- Gastroenteric frustration
- To address to vet

-a diarrhea, at the inflated stomach, a dim wool; sometimes with spasmes;
- Defeat by worms
- To address to vet

- Bloody with a bloody diarrhea;
- Heavy poisoning (rat poison)
- Immediately to address to vet

- Repeated, with a diarrhea, fetid breath, ulcers on mucous a mouth, slackness;
- Uraemia
- To address to vet

- With foam (color: from green up to yellow)
- The cat's plague
- Immediately to address to vet


- Without other special symptoms;
- The frustration of digestion caused by a feed(meal) (because of surplus of milk, a crude liver, a spleen, brains; because of old food)
- To reduce portions. To give black tea (diluted), a cooked liver

- Together with enuresis and changed on conducting; sometimes also vomitting and absence of appetite;
- Mental frustration owing to insufficient attention (or the preference rendered to other domestic animal)
- To find out and remove the reasons

- Constantly aqueous;
- The different reasons
- To consult at vet

- With vomitting, fetid breath, a ulcer on mucous a mouth, slackness;
- Uraemia
- To address to vet

- With vomitting, thirst, painful sensitivity, weakness, emaciation;
- Gastroenteric frustration
- To address to vet

- At a dim wool and the inflated stomach, spasmes are possible(probable);
- Infection with worms (large roundworms)
- To keep a dairy diet, hungry day

- Bloody, mainly with bloody vomitting
- Heavy poisoning (rat poison)
- Immediately to address to vet

- With high fever; the tousled wool, frequently vomitting; absence of appetite, slackness
- The cat's plague
- Immediately to address to vet


- Without other infringements;
- Frustration of digestion because of hit of an extraneous subject, lump of hair; atony intestines
- To give milk, a crude liver, olive oil or sardines in oil; more than crude meat instead of a dry forage

- Alternately with a diarrhea, vomitting; thirst and the spasmes, the inflated stomach, emaciation, weakness;
- Gastroenteric frustration
- To address to vet

- Chronic
- Frustration of digestion owing to lack of movement
- It is more than movement on fresh air


- With vomitting, pains in a throat, slackness, absence of appetite
- Qatar
- To address to vet

Changes of a teeth and gums:

- A weak or dropping out teeth;
- Dental stone
- Remove by vet; to give more firm food for chewing

- Red strips between a teeth and gums
- Inflammation of gums, gingivitis
- To change a diet, to give lean meat; it is less than carbohydrates to raise(increase) the maintenance(contents) of vitamins

Frustration of the urination and changes of the urina:

- amplified(strengthened) with transparent urine at strong thirst; weariness, gait stiffed with cold;
- Greenstone
- To address to vet. A plentiful drink. A diet: it is not enough meat, it is a lot of milk; weak salting of the food

- A delay wet, also blood in urine;
- Stone in a bladder or in a kidney (mainly at a castrated cat)
- To consult with vet

- Brownish wetting and excrement; changes conjunctiva and mucous;
- Disease of a liver
- To address to vet

- A delay wet with frustration of digestion and blood circulation (before it inertness or the raised(increased) excitation, aggression, the anxiety, the complicated swallowing, sialorrhea)
- Furiousness
- Immediately to inform vet

Skin Changes:

- dried up, easily bleeding, with furfur, fragile hair, at emaciation;
- A defective feed(meal)
- To feed it is more to vitaminize food

- Crust and furfur, fine red nodule, starting usualy on a back;
- Eczema (deficiency of vitamins) or mental frustration
- To rub glyceric or olive oil

- An itch, loss of hair, frequently emaciation;
- The mental reasons
- To find out and remove the reasons. It is less to give fat food, it is more lean meat and vitamins

- Swellings;
- Abscess or tumour
- To address to vet

- Yellow or grey round a stain on auricles and paws; a unpleasant smell, sometimes an itch;
- Tetter (favus) - the illness caused by mold fun
- In an initial stage to spread on iodic tincture (let's lick)

- Dark, covered by crust a rash on a head, a neck and breasts;
- Cutting deprive (it is infectious for the person)
- Stick to render iodine (let's lick). Carefully to wash hands, to disinfect a berth of a cat

- Grey, covered by the crust a rash on a head, breasts and forepaws;
- Itch
- To give food, rich fiber

- Scaly or pustular, a rash
- Itch
- To give food, rich fiber. To lead (carry out) disinfection bald patch) all over again on a muzzle, later on all body at a condition of weakness

- Inflamed, becoming wet wounds;
- Fleas
- To apply means from fleas

- The inflamed stings or scratchs with formation(education) of lymph nodes (sometimes with pus);
- Infectious cat's itch (it is infectious for the person)
- To address to vet

- Ulcers on a leather(skin) of a head
- Tuberculosis of a leather(skin)
- To address to vet


- Long scratching or friction
- Fleas or lice
- To destroy parasites

Hear changes:

- fragile hair at a dry leather(skin) and formation(education) of furfur;
- A defective feed(meal)
- To increase quantity(amount) and vitamin value peep

- Dim, ordinary-looking at excess weight;
- Superalimentation
- To reduce quantity(amount) peep

- Albesent or glassy (1-3 mm) formations(educations), and also dark balls;
- Excrement and eggs of fleas
- To apply antyfleas preparations

- Dim at spasmes, a diarrhea or vomitting; the inflated stomach, sometimes cough;
- Infection with worms
- To address to vet

- Tousled at feverish weakness, emaciation;
- Tuberculosis
- To address to vet

- Tousled at a strong fever, slackness, absence of appetite; frequently vomitting
- The cat's plague
- To address to vet


- On mucous a mouth; strong sialorrheaat lateral chewing;
- Stomatitis
- To do vitamin additives to a forage

- Swellings on a skin
- Abscess or tumour
- To address to vet

Changes in gait:

- crooked back part, thirst, often urination, slackness;
- Chronic inflammation of kidneys
- To address to vet. To keep to a diet

- Limping; the cat moves a little
- Crisis
- To address to vet


- With cough, with secretions from a nose and eyes, absence of appetite;
- The cat's pneumonia
- To address to vet

- With a cold complicated with swallowing, later a diarrhea;
- The cat's cold
- To address to vet

- Long at the tousled wool, slackness, absence of appetite, a strong diarrhea; frequently vomitting;
- The cat's plague
- To address to vet

- Long at tachypnoe;
- Pneumonia
- To address to vet

- Long at the tousled wool, a condition of weakness, emaciation, cough and the complicated breath, secretion from a nose
- Tuberculosis
- To address to vet

- With vomitting, a diarrhea or a lock, the thirst, the inflated stomach; emaciation, weakness;
- Gastroenteric frustration
- To address to vet

- At the dim wool, the inflated stomach, also a diarrhea or vomitting, sometimes cough;
- Worms
- To address to vet

- With impellent anxiety and strong drowsiness (also a short wind, sialorrhea, sensitivity touches)
- Poisoning
- Immediately to address to vet


- With a short wind, the infringement of blood circulation complicated with swallowing, sialorrhea(at change of behaviour)
- Furiousness
- Immediately to inform vet, to not touch an animal


- At spasmes and strong anxiety
- Poisoning
- Immediately to address to vet

Condition weakness:

- with a fever, dishevelled hair, emaciation;
- Tuberculosis
- To address to vet

- With a diarrhea or a lock; with bloating; with thirst, emaciation;
- Gastroenteric frustration
-To address to vet

- At inflaming, becoming wet chipped wounds
- Fleas
- To apply means from parasites


- Lateral chewing; ранки in a mouth;
- Stomatitis
- In food to bring vitamin additives

- With conditions of excitation and aggression, impellent anxiety; later paralyses, an asthma, a vascular collapse
- Furiousness
- Immediately to inform vet

Abyssinian Cat