In 1967 the American selector of Abyssinian breed Mrs. Evelyn Mague worked in a shelter for cats in the neighborhood with the house in New Jersey. Once someone has brought an adult cat that had misfortune for short time to change five owners. Mrs. Evelyn Mague has liked it at first sight. «It is the most beautiful cat whom I only saw! » - She has exclaimed. It was semi-long-haired the Abyssinian cat. She has named it George, castrated and has created all conditions for it. But she could not expel exclusive, in her opinion, but also has decided to find out a history of its origin. Present her surprise when she has understood, that parents of a cat live in her own nursery! Father George was Abyssinian Lynn-Lees Lord Dublin, of her own cultivation. Mother also was the Abyssinian by name Lo-Mi-Rs Trillby which she recently has bought. From this pair she has received others six long-haired kittens. Out of respect for Abyssinian breed she has named its long-haired descendants of Somalia and the beginning to work in a direction of recognition of this breed. In 1972 Mrs. Evelyn Mague has organized the American club of amateurs of Somalia (SCCA) and became its first president. And 1of May 1979 the biggest felynological association of America CFA has officially recognized new breed under the name Somalia (Somali).
Whether might happen, what George, cat Evelyn Mague who has appeared in 50-years from two short-haired the Abyssinian cats, was a first-ever long-haired Abyssinian cat? Certainly, no! The club of Abyssinian cats based in 1929, strictly observed their short-haired standard. However already and those years from time to time in sets of the Abyssinian cats occurred long-haired kittens. But as there were very strict rules of registration of the kittens many factory owners were simply frightened of that in the sets of the Abyssinian cats occurred kittens to which cannot give out family trees. Therefore from a sin far away those kittens which might compromise the titled parents as "foundlings" silently left in twilight about kitchen doors familiar.
Malicious languages meanwhile spoke, that Somalia was result of crossing with Persians and that their family trees are forged. However these statements are improbable. To deny these badly proved accusations, factory owners of Somalia have begun to search for roots of the breed. All researches have resulted to four breeding animal who were manufacturers of many descendants in 60th years XX in. Their common ancestor belonging lady Barnard was Raby Chuffa. It was born in England 4 April 1952 and was brought in America per 1953. According to the American rules it has received as a prefix a name of nursery of the new owners "Selene".
In turn, roots of genealogic tree Raby Chuffa of Selene result us to Roverdale Purrkins which phenotypic was very similar to the Abyssinian cats, but had an unknown origin. During the Second World War it was presented Mrs. Robertson by her friend. Mother Roverdale Purrkins was Mrs. Mew and who was father Roverdale Purrkins, Mrs. Robertson did not know. Mrs. Mew has died in 1944 and about her we know only that the cat was presented to her friend by the seaman in 1942. Whence it was brought in England? Where its native land? Far far away… It is quite possible, what the gene of a long hair in Abyssinian breed has introduced Roverdale Purrkins which has died in 1956, - and then registered kittens of the Somalia should have all well-known Roverdale Purrkins in the ancestors?! But long-haired kittens were observed at Abyssinian cats from the very first steps of becoming of this breed, and in this difficult situations in which there were factory owners after the Second World War, were carried out compelled outcrosses with not Abyssinian breed. It was the necessary measure for preservation of a viable population of Abyssinian breed and for prevention inevitable in small populations of the inbred depressions. For this reason, obviously, also was included in the British programs of cultivation Roverdale Purrkins.
Known talented American geneticist Don Shaw concerning a genetic nature of hair the Abyssinian cats and Somalia cats once again has own judgment. In 1974 it has written, that Somalia cats is not the carrier recessive genes of a long hair in the homozygous form. But, nevertheless, at Somalia cats has semi-long hair. How it is possible? The Abyssinian cats is known for "almost double" hair. In a complex - combined hereditary factors in a homozygous situation give this structure of a hair and even may result in increase of length, as barb, and an underfur. In unusual cases it may result in occurrence semi-long soft silky hair with the fox tail. This type of a hair will be transferred regularly and steadily? «Yes, - answers Don Shaw, - at correct selection of partners ". This implies that Somalia never can show all extravagance to the Persian hair. But unless someone dreams of it?
The Somali cats are larger, than short-haired Abyssinian cats. A body of Somalia of average length, thick, a head of average length, the triangular form with the direct lines well advanced mandible and a chin. Ears big, with bristle, rather long finitenesses and a long tail. Color of eyes from green up to amber. A typical attribute of the given breed - ticker zonary color a hair. The hair of average length, soft to the touch and rich, on shoulders is a little bit shorter. On a neck a collar, on back finitenesses - characteristic «tights ".
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