African from British isles
In 80th years of the last century at the first cat's exhibitions in the Great Britain the cats named "Abyssinian" have appeared. They not amazed with the large sizes, length of a silky wool or blue eyes, - and, nevertheless, might not remain unnoticed. Unusual was the color, without any habitual strips or the divorces, similar on color the wild rabbit (by the way, Abyssinian breed those years at times and named - "rabbit"). But, let color of the Abyssinian cat also reminded the rabbit or a hare, the general shape of new breed comprised everything, that puts the person in concept "cat", and a cat wild, natural in the grace. Having a surprising harmonicity of shape, the Abyssinian cat embody " gold section " in an alive cat's appearance.
Despite of a "wild", natural kind Abyssinian cat, it without exaggeration can be named the first cultural breed of cats of Europe. That is deduced by the person with use of purposeful pairings animals and artificial selection refers to as as cultural breed. Breeds native develop basically under action of selection natural. It would seem, the history of Abyssinian cats is not bad known - in comparison with the majority of other ancient breeds (behind exception unless Siamese). The ancestor of all Abyssinian cats considers the "rabbit" cat on nickname Zula, it come from Northern Africa (presumably - from Ethiopia at that time named by Abyssinia). This cat was brought in the Great Britain owners - Englishmen in 1868, upon termination of English-Abyssinian war. In sixteen years the first cats similar color - it is probable, descendants of Zula and of native English cats have appeared at exhibitions, and in 1896 and Abyssinian cats for the first time were registered in the breeding book of National cat's club (National Cat Club).
It is considered, that specificity Abyssinian, or tickired color it is defined superprepotent allele of the gene Tabby. Alleles same gene Т and t b are responsible for occurrence striped marble figures on cat's hair. And " abyssinian tabby's allele", that, should provide absence of any figure - strips, divorces or spots. Absence of figure at Abyssinian cats is accompanied ticking, that is zoned by colouring of hair. If to look narrowly at a wool of these cats, appreciablly, that everyone hairspring is painted by alternating strips - light (yellow or ochre) and dark (black or brown). There is it because, that at development of hair in it that is alternately postponed black (or brown), a yellow pigment. In itself zone distribution of a pigment on hair is supervised prepotent allele a gene agouti, equally necessary and for formation ticker color, and for development of figure. Some felinologist approve, that at crossings abyssinians with usual tabby - striped or marble - allele That behaves as semi-prepotent: at descendants of similar pair strips on legs and a tail, but not on the case are well defined. At times observe intermediate inheritance: whether residual figure, whether superfluous ticking...
Strangeness of an origin of breed that in Northern Africa in populations of domestic cats this most "Abyssinian" color does not meet. Distribution allele "Abyssinian" tebby, investigated in second half of our century, has shown, that tickered cats meet in populations of Singapore more often. Therefrom the area of distribution of it color a narrow corridor leaves to the west, coming to an end approximately in area of Teheran, and in any way does not grasp Africa. The similar picture has forced felinologists to put forward three hypotheses explaining an origin of Abyssinian breed.
First of them consists that breed is deduced by the English factory owners on the basis of native cats. However allele that is not more characteristic at all for England, than for Africa, certainly, it is impossible to exclude and such opportunity, as a spontaneous mutation in locus Т, resulted to independent occurrence "Abyssinian tabby allele". But the shape and a structure of Abyssinian cats are not similar to a domestic cat of Europe - then "short-haired breed", at them there are obviously "foreign" fig. Means, any imported cats in creation of breed were used. It is authentically known, that in a history Abyssinian cats. there were separate cases of crossings with east cats and other "foreigners" (for example, breed оцикет has arisen due to сиамско-Abyssinian crossing), but they had sporadic character and have hardly defined(determined) shape of breed in 1880 - 1900th years.
Other version is, that the ancestor of breed having notorious тикированный окрас, was taken out not from Africa, and, for example, from Southeast Asia or Afghanistan. In second half of last century of colonial wars England conducted much, retired militarians came back from every corner of the world. In this case it turns out, that breed has received the name simply by mistake.
At last, the third and most curious version is, that Zula was not domestic, but the tamed wild cat. It is the most probable, that it concerned to steppe cats - to that kind Felis libyca, one of which subspecies was an ancestor domestic cats. However the basic color this kind - spotty. It is known, the truth, some color variations with warm ochre shades color, feebly marked spots and advanced ticking.
Some of felinologists the spotty steppe cat as the candidate for a role of an ancestor of Abyssinian breed does not arrange some, and they are asked a question: and whether is not present in Northern Africa of other kinds of the wild cats similar to Abyssinian breed tickerred color? It appears, is, and at all one. One of such kinds - a cane cat, or chaus. For the benefit of this hypothesis speaks that chauses are rather easily tamed - in comparison with other kinds of wild cats. On appearance (the lengthened head, a short tail) they remind mini-dig, than a cat faster. Quite often color cane cats has bright reddish tone, and at first sight it seems to relatives to Abyssinian. But... chauses kittens are spotty, quite often this "shadow" figure can be noticed and at adult animals. In deserted areas of Africa the cat, Felis margarita is distributed sand cat, in color which are combined ticking and fine a stain. It is known, that cane and sand cats may be crossed to domestic cats and give prolific hybrid posterity.
It is most similar on Abyssinian ticking warm and bright color seldom meeting gold cat (Felis aurata) - a kind, characteristic faster for Central, than for Northern Africa. The truth, from the evolutionary point of view this kind is farthest from a domestic cat. It is possible, that from similar pairs and it would be possible to receive prolific posterity, even female (as it was in case of crossing a domestic cat with bengalese - Prionailurus bengalensis, at deducing new breed) but to be charged for it hardly who will undertake.
In duplication of Abyssinian cats really there are some features at first sight similar to consequences of hybridization. Set of the Abyssinian cats a little bit smaller, than at other breeds of domestic cats. There is also a deviation from a normal parity of floors in the posterity, however a prevailing floor are males, instead of female as it should be expected, - on one Abyssinian cat it is necessary 2-3 cats.
The final answer to questions on an origin Abyssinian cats might put unless the olecular-genetic analysis, but such researches uncheap and to be spent for the decision of only academic problems breedforming hardly who from factory owners will want. Fans of the Abyssinian cats arranges such what it is - irrespective of its origin.
And nevertheless, despite of charm of breed and its old origin, numerous it never was. And it is not clear, whether low fruitfulness and a deviation from a normal parity of floors the reason or consequence of this small number were already mentioned. The initial population of breed, which basic attributes go back to the unique ancestor, is doubtless, was small and almost for certain - inbred.
For past hundred years breed has a little changed the shape: began a little bit more finely and more easy on addition, having kept, however, the basic proportions. New color variations have increased, and initial began appreciablly "more warmly". Wild color (the English factory owners nowadays call its "reddish", and the French - "lion's") it is formed on the basis of black and yellow pigments, and with development of breed the share of a yellow pigment all time grew. One of the first registered Abyssinian cats carried names Aluminum and Salt (Salt). Hardly today to somebody will come in a head to name the red-brown "wild" abyssinian Aluminium!
"Card" of breed became appeared be relative late (in the beginning 1960) color sorrelle (bay), incorrectly named "red" or "red". These cats are really similar to a kind on red (red), but genetically they general with a gene red color 0 (Orange) have no anything. The color effect color sorrelle is caused by alternation of yellow and light brown strips on hair, and brown color is formed due to strong oxidation of a black pigment (melanin). Such oxidation recessive allele bl gene Black is supervised. Similar, that this allele has arisen as a result of the mutation which have occurred in the most Abyssinian breed. The truth, it meets also in oriental to breed, forming colors cinnamon and the faun (beige), but it is probable, that to orientals (the same as and to affiliated breed ociket) has got already from Abyssinian cats. And characteristic for east cats allele b the same gene Black, the forming dark brown pigment, in Abyssinian breed does not meet.
Concerning an origin such Abyssinian colors as the faun and blue, at felinologists is not present a common opinion. Allele d, certainly, might to appear in breed spontaneously, as a result of a spontaneous mutation, but all the same it is more probable, that was introduced in it in result crossbreeding, probably, even at early stages of development of breed. If in the relation allele clarification of doubt are possible, it is doubtless, that red color and silvery color variations have arisen due to artificial caring in breed of the appropriate genes. Despite of the growing list new colors, the greatest popularity continue to use warm, "solar" Abyssinian cats. Iridescent, nacreous "cold" colors meanwhile remain property of the most experienced experts.
Abyssinian cats have appeared in Russia about ten years back, but the present interest to breed has arisen only last 2-3 years. Probably, the reason of insufficient attention of public to breed was "cold" - blue and beige - color the first animals who have got to Russia, and it is possible - simply too small number of representatives of breed which were difficult for seeing at exhibitions. Recently import of Abyssinian cats gradually begins to quicken, demand for them grows. Due to that the future manufacturers act from different nurseries to hope to avoid inbred depression at the following stages of cultivation.
And nevertheless Abyssinian cats in the country while very much and it is not enough. Probably, some are confused with external impression: it seems, that at such wild cats and customs should be appropriate. At all is not present: character at Abyssinian cats fine, same cheerful, as well as it color, a a voice gentle and melodious. The only thing "but" - Abyssinian cats it is rather mobile and does not like to be closed in close premises, especially - in open-air cages or cages. It does not mean, that it is necessary for it to have paddock on a pair of hectares - a usual apartment which the cat masters in three measurements, supplied are artificial "tree" or other cat's simulator, it is quite enough to have an opportunity daily to admire this natural essence in the grace which as if shines environmental space.
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