If conversation comes about Abyssinian Cat very much frequently the Sun intuitively is recollected. Gods of the sun from legends and myths of Ancient Egypt;
Sunlight in which beams these cats so like to be heated; ardour of the sun which has as though incorporated their hair... The impression is created, that the sun has put the solar signature and on their appearance, and on their character. You may imagine to yourselves breed more cheerful and cheerful, than Abyssinian Cat?
Small kittens are very similar to clowns in a circus, as peas scatter all over the house. Enthusiastic and inspired jump on a curtain, full customs inspection of your bag, in a flash the thorough disorder on your worker a table... And after all it with innocent muzzles they look at you so submitting, that you with easy heart accept the dreadful disorder as norm.
Adult animals, however, force people to look at them yours faithfully. Though they are holding persons, they are not haughty cats. They are cheerful and playful, but, at the same time, are silent and not importunate. At them soft voices. One of their main features - their affable grace. All cats intellectuals, but Abyssinian Cats will give odds to many colleagues. They win on all parameters! Their intelligence sometimes simply frightens! However on their improbable sensitivity and the reflected sympathy much more amazes. True friends, they are also good partners on life. That circumstance that is usual they cats for gentlemen " are considered as ", speaks more about social division of floors in a society, than directly about Abyssinian cats. Abyssinian Cats love freedom, as any other breed. And, in addition to everything, they simply may not exist without daily human dialogue.
However when them allow to live full members of family, demonstration of their love does not know borders. Then they gently purr (and their purring is more appreciable because of fluctuations of air, than a sound). Then they both kiss, and iron you a forward paw, and embrace for a neck, and touchingly look to you in eyes. Then they tickle you the whiskers and is gentle rub oneself about your ear. Then these children of the Sun as though speak you: " love me and be happy! "
The extraordinary status of a cat in olden time
Ancient Egyptians during pharaons and pyramids worshipped the god of sun Rа. He was the most dear among all gods, - father of the pharaon, the founder of all alive, the defence counsel of a crop. One of daughters Ra was called Bastet, sometimes it was possible to see in quality her hair driers or sisters Ra. This goddess was represented as a cat, outlines very similar with modern Abyssinian Cat.
Egyptians named a cat "mew", that means "to see". They fatally were afraid of darkness and as the cat may see in darkness to her magic opportunities were attributed. Inhabitants of Egypt compared narrowing and expansion of pupils of a cat to approach of darkness in the evening and sunrise in the morning. For them it was the proof of consanguinty of a cat with the Moon and the Sun and served as the weighty reason to esteem these animals and to have at itself. Such cult was extremely important for the country, living agriculture and having the big grain storehouses. But this ground also abounded rats and mice, therefore it was paradise and for the cat - hunter, and people surrounded its aura of sanctity which accompanied with many years and kept cats of Egypt.
As is known, Bastet - one of the most esteemed goddesses of ancient Egypt. In city of Bubastis, to the east from delta of Nile the huge temple in her honour as a huge square building from a red granite was constructed. She - " Madam of heavens ", " the Goddess of love " and young men asked the goddess to help them to subdue hearts beloved. The more the girl reminded a cat, she was more attractive to the young man. This similarity to a Abyssinian cat made the girl so attractively, that she could be compared to empress Kleopatra sovereign Juliy Caesar and Mark Antonij. Besides Bastet protected family and the house. On her very big responsibility for destinies of Egyptians laid.
It is sure, you will be not not surprised any more with that fact, that punishment for murder of a cat irrespective of, going it was or accomplished on imprudence, was a death penalty. When the cat perished, to it arranged grandiose and extremely expensive funeral, its remains embalmed and mummified. In middle of XIX century in Beni - хассане at coast of Nile the whole cemetery of mummies of cats was found. Them was more than 300 thousand.
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