Thursday, February 8, 2007

How correctly to choose the kitten

The person, decided to get a thoroughbred cat and not having before similar experience, it appears before a complicated problem: how correctly to find and choose such kitten as thoroughbred animals stand dearly? Now in the Internet and newspapers it is possible to meet many announcements of sale Abyssinian kittens. How to define, where it is necessary to address in search of such cat and where is not present? For acceptance of the correct decision to cost to take into account some recommendations.

Place - pet-shop or nursery.

In order to prevent unpleasant disappointments, as Abyssinian cat, it is necessary to get a kitten of such rare breed only from the registered nurseries with good reputation. In pet-shop the price, as a rule, appreciably is higher, than in nursery, but the kitten passes quality surveillance at experts of shop, at purchase in nursery, the buyer should trust in examination of the factory owner.

The optimum age of a kitten - also is more senior than 3 months.

It is possible to take away the Abyssinian kittens in the new house in the age of not younger 12 weeks (3 months), to this age, the kitten is advanced so, that already may do without scold also colleagues. By three months the kitten, as a rule, passes full vaccination and may be confidently handed to hands to new owners.

Obligatory documents - vet-passport and a family tree (or a card of a kitten)

In vet-passport kittens should stand marks about 2 made inoculations from infectious diseases (more often, them marks 9 and 11 weeks). The family tree given by club, is the certificate of the kittens origin, all ancestors of a kitten are specified in it from parents up to great-grandfathers with the indication of their titles. It is desirable, that in a family tree was no more than 4 inbreed unions (i.e. unions between direct relatives: the father - daughter, the mother - son). If the animal is not intended for cultivation, in a family tree it is underlined.

Under the arrangement instead of a family tree the card of a kitten on which further it is possible to write out a family tree in the club which has registered вязку may be handed the buyer.

Appearance and behaviour of a kitten

The Abyssinian kitten by three months passes an initial moult, and from under cat's gun on a hair occurs characteristic for aby ticking and silky shine, basically is formed the future color. Final formation of the color at aby is finished by 1,5-2 years. Eyes of the kittens at this age, as a rule, uncertain brown color, their color will be generated only to age of 10-12 months. To present, what may bring up your kitten, look at cat - mum and cat - daddy. The healthy kitten should be not thin, and not thick. Eyes, ears, butt should be pure. The behavior of the kitten should be active, playful, easygoing. The Abyssinian kittens are not aggressive, are not afraid of people and with pleasure play with them. From such kitten grows present Abyssinian cat .

Quality of the ex-terrier

Quality of the ex-terrier is correct the skilled factory owner or the expert may estimate only, for the amateur it is important to know, that is considered lack of the ex-terrier at Abyssinian cat: White a stain, a white medallion, too much white on the breasts, the closed necklaces on a neck, grey or too light underfur, is not enough ticking, moire strips. Figures / strips on a muzzle or finitenesses. At dark colors - absence dark tip of a tail, dark "soles" on back finitenesses, dark inking century. In more detail - in the standard of breed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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